‘Achieve greater success and wealth’


A few of my thoughts about property investment and personal success

By Charlie Panayi 16 Sep, 2024
It’s the question that never seems to go away— should you rent or buy ? While some people have a clear answer, others get stuck in the middle, weighed down by financial calculations, lifestyle goals, and long-term plans. Alongside 'pretend' experts giving views on social media! I get it—this decision can be confusing. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of each to help make things clearer.
By Charlie Panayi 16 Sep, 2024
The September 2024 UK Rental Market: What’s Really Going On?
By Charlie Panayi 24 Jul, 2024
In the age of instant gratification , it’s all too easy to go for quick pleasures. Whether it’s reaching for a doughnut instead of a healthier snack, binge-watching your favorite show instead of hitting the gym, or scrolling through social media instead of working on that important project, the "greedy monkey" in our minds always tempts us to prioritise short-term desires over long-term success. But what if we could tame this greedy monkey and harness our impulses for greater personal growth and fulfillment? Let's explore the concept of self-gratification and I'll offer some practical skills to gain self-control.
By Charlie Panayi 17 Jul, 2024
What Could a Labour Government Mean for the Housing Market?
By Charlie Panayi 11 Jun, 2024
Summary • UK rental inflation slows to +6.6% • London leads the slowdown with rents up 3.7% over last 12 months • Rental still +2x pre-pandemic • Supply of homes for rent up 18% but still 1/3 below pre-pandemic • Rents have fallen in some major cities over last quarter • Room for rental growth in most affordable areas • Rents continue to outperform wage increases • Supply/demand imbalance will continue • Will politics affect the rental market?
By Charlie Panayi 11 Jun, 2024
Business Reboot: Key Steps to Overcome Setbacks and Succeed 
By Charlie Panayi 10 Jun, 2024
By Charlie Panayi 14 May, 2024
Working from home has become a main element of the working life since COVID-19 and too have a fair amount of time working from home. I work in a background of elements of complete focus, alongside being creative...If you’re a creative just starting out, it can take time to get yourself noticed . But don’t let that discourage you! By starting out in the right environment to practice your craft, you put yourself in the mind space to create art or writing that grab attention and get noticed. Today, Charlie shares a few tips on how to make the ideal workspace without overextending your budget. Consider the big picture. You have to start with a clear plan, know your desired outcome, and think about the big picture. Do you want to create full-time? Is your home loud and noisy? If your ultimate goal is to complete projects your full-time profession, it might be best to add a dedicated space just for the process. If you do this, you may even increase your property value, so make sure that you take before-and-after photos and keep up with all of your additions . If you sell your home later, you’ll want to keep track of your ROI. Cultivate your library. What better way to help spawn your own creativity than by getting lost in the works of others? Chances are, you already have hundreds (possibly thousands) of books that you’ve collected over the years. Turn these into a library , which can serve as a place of respite and, like other updates we’ve mentioned, may even increase your home’s value. Create a clean and distraction-free environment. The best results from creative pursuits come from clear minds. Make sure that your home is clean and free of visual distractions, such as clutter. If you’re not a clean freak, look for online resources that explain how to get the jobs you need to do done and that offer tips, tricks, insight, and advice into products that make it easy. It can also help to have a cubby outside of your office door to leave your cell phone so that you’re not constantly distracted by notifications. 
By Charlie Panayi 01 May, 2024
By Charlie Panayi 29 Apr, 2024
Reasons to Invest or Move, and Key Considerations
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